Has it really been over a month since I last posted progress with the new studio? How time flies when there’s work to be done.
I have still to begin work in the studio itself, because the completion of the office and shipping room will enable me to move out of the house and continue with running the business.
All the lighting cables have been installed and the power ones too. The power is in two circuits, so we can shut down the computers from one switch without disturbing any items that need to be left running overnight. The strip lighting in both rooms has been completed, and feeds provided through to the studio. And I’ve finished the gloss painting in the office and the vinyl wall covering.
We made two good purchases: Jenny found a supply of excellent once-used office furniture and we bought three desks and two drawer units – all for the price of two new desks. And we found new, end-of-consignment, carpet tiles at a 60% discount!
All the desks needed to be drastically altered – narrowed by 7½ inches, new cables holes cut, and the legs repositioned. I omitted the modesty panels but, as they were a part of the strength of the legs, the tables are now bracketed to the walls. The panels will later be used for a floor-to-ceiling bookcase.

As yet we have no heating, although the cable trunking is ready to take the power to an HVAC unit. When it’s installed in the office, it will heat both rooms by way of a grill to be placed in the opening above the door. This unit will provide heating, ventilation, dehumidifying and air conditioning. And we need it as temperatures lately have been as low as -18°C overnight! Some days it’s just too cold to work in there.

Last night I fitted and painted the door to the office, so I can now close that room off and concentrate on completing the next room. I cleared the shipping and storage room of tools and, as soon as the air temperature warms a bit, I’ll begin by laying the flooring, for which we found a discounted end-of-roll sheet of vinyl. The steel racking has been delivered and I have one storage unit to build and a plan chest from the existing studio to alter and make into our packing table.

Let’s hope the heating is delivered soon and I can fit it in sub-zero temperatures, and that I can post new progress quicker next time! 🙂