Old project-FRESH start ;)

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Old project-FRESH start ;)

Post by PogArtTi »

The painting of my wife and niece has to be done, no doubt about it ;)
I have dropped claybord experiment just yesterday.
Enough is enough - too many minor issues ;)
I decided there's no point to continuously keep fixing my brush strokes, just to deliberately stick to claybord surface, which clearly shows it's not working perfectly for oils.
Obviously I can make an oil painting over any surface, but that's not what I'm after.
I'm after to master my technique and skills, and to make realistic paintings.
Claybord is holding me back.
I want to process the painting further, instead of making steps back fixing imperfections, that haven't beens caused by me myself, but by the surface.

Here we go.
Fresh start ;)
●Jacksons Homemade Belgian Linen canvas board - extra fine, oil primed, A3 size.
●Michael Harding oils.
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Re: Old project-FRESH start ;)

Post by PogArtTi »

I hope I won't have any issues any more ;)
I did outlines this afternoon, and tempting to do base layer today yet, or maybe tomorrow.., as free hand outlines consuming time, so I need some rest now ;)
●YouTube video ; https://youtu.be/GJj7_M0QBqs
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Re: Old project-FRESH start ;)

Post by PogArtTi »

Today's my day off, so I had some time to fully focus on the beginning.
I can clearly see the difference now, between claybord vs canvas.
The brush strokes aren't smearing like crazy any more, I can precisely apply the paint where I want, and enjoy painting process.
Years ago I used to do underpainting - Verdaccio was my favourite, and quite weird for others, as many artists (artists?) weren't aware of that technique, and sometimes they were laughing at my posts, thinking I'm being very funny painting greenish faces...
Nevertheless, it was past.
Now I'm willing to take different approach, and following one of YouTube artists (his name is Scott), I'm painting without any base layer, and trying to achieve the highest level of detail at first go.
So the next session will start from already best looking base, and so on.
This is totally different to me.
I used to paint base layer with broader strokes with bigger brush, and from that point building up the shadows, and details are last to be done...
Now, I'm starting up side down.
Details go first, straight away, to be improved later.
I didn't develope my own technique you see.
I'm keep trying things, it's my only way to find my preference...
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Re: Old project-FRESH start ;)

Post by Laurene »

Very interesting approach. Your experience with graphite drawing should serve you well though since we’re used to paying attention to details (on order to preserve whites) from the very beginning of a drawing.

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Re: Old project-FRESH start ;)

Post by PogArtTi »

Thanks ;)
I hope so my graphite background will be handy ;)
But it worked out (I think) regarding my self-portrait already, which was attempted, processed and done ecactly the same way dear Laurene.

The only complaint I have is the canvas rougher texture, but in comparison to the claybord - everything will be rough, lol ;)

I was looking for solution to smoother it, and I will prime it with gesso kind medium.
Michael Harding is making it, he calls it Non-Absorbing Acrylic Primer, and he adviced me, that it will sort the issue for me ;)
You know Laurene, whether his primer is best or not, I'm using his oil paints, so I'm just willing to follow with his primer as well ;)
He did advice to prime the claybord as well, and see if that helps?
I will leave this tip for later, as I'm enjoying my canvas right now ;)
Just willing to smoother its surface.

My first try pieces were made onto paper primed with acrylic gesso (Jack the dog, and the soldier).
Gesso did amazing job, letting me enjoy the painting.
I bet it will do the same improvement on claybord as well.
YouTube video; https://youtu.be/hJaWK61aMvE

I couldn't answer earlier, because my account was locked off for last few days again.
I went to see advice the warning message gives, and it says it's common issue for mobile phones and laptops.
It says it's all about virus protection, because bugs affecting IP eagerly, and veing hidden there are getting through further to affect other places...
So my IP is recognised as having these bugs hidden, so I'm being locked off...
I need to install some software, it may help.
Sorry ;)
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Re: Old project-FRESH start ;)

Post by PogArtTi »

I'm carry on, making slow progress, but still going ahead.
I'm struggling with everything really.
Matching exact colour is a great challenge at the moment, so layering the paint.
I'm painting day by day if I can, what means I'm painting wet on wet, as yesterday's work isn't dried 100% - this causing some minor issue of the paint lifting from previous session...
My wife's face has not underlayer at all, I attempted straight away with the flesh tone.
I bet it takes longer now to build up the effect of the skin I'm after...
Therefore I began blocking in the whole face of a niece now, which will answer my question of how crucial the first blocking layer might be.
The remaining of the paint I'm spreading around to block in the background, why should I waste it ;)
Thanks for watching ;)
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Re: Old project-FRESH start ;)

Post by Laurene »

It’s early days still, but I can already see and appreciate the soft shadows and highlights on Magda’s face. This stage of the painting is truly quite lovely as is!

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Re: Old project-FRESH start ;)

Post by PogArtTi »

Thank you dear friend ;)
I hope it is going right direction ;)
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Re: Old project-FRESH start ;)

Post by PogArtTi »

Today's efforts ;)
It's all about blocking in really, and carry on improving on the go...
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Re: Old project-FRESH start ;)

Post by PogArtTi »

I really wanted to do the eyes today, I did the hair and shirts instead ... ;)
I did fill the empty holes with the white paint, planning to finish eyes later, but I got too busy with mentioned earlier features, so I didn't bother to finish the eyes, just yet ;)
HAPPY NEW YEAR my dear friends ;)
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