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Hey Y'all!

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2019 1:05 am
by brandonc
Woohoo! I'm tickled to be here and representing Alabama. I've always wanted to take one of Mike's workshops but wasn't able to. Thankfully this is here now and I can't wait to dive in. Thanks Mike!


Re: Hey Y'all!

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2019 1:01 pm
by Mike Sibley
Welcome, Brandon! We're equally tickled to see you here :D

I set up the Members Area for three reasons:

First, as a way of giving you the means to explore all the videos without having to purchase them. There are currently 21. #22 is half-completed. And #23 will complete the Basic Techniques series. Then I have a loooong list of very varied subjects to cover.

Second, as a way of bringing the workshops to you (as I cannot currently travel). I also have tuition plans that I cannot divulge at present, but you'll like them! ;)

And finally, as a platform that can be customised to suit you. It can be anything you want or need it to be. For example, I'm thinking of starting a monthly Q&A session - not live, but with a video presentation. The forum already gives you the opportunity to request subjects for future videos (as if my list wasn't long enough already! :roll: ). The videos all have full transcripts beneath them, which will later be available as PDFs, because it's often quicker to find a solution with a quick text search. And that's just scratching the surface.

The Members Area can be whatever you want it to be. So please dive in, be active, and let me know which direction you'd like it to go in.

Re: Hey Y'all!

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:35 am
by brandonc
Wow, Mike, I was already excited but now I'm doubly so. I'll be watching and waiting.

Thanks for the opportunity and for the welcome!