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Chevrolet Camaro z28 - pyrography

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 8:18 pm
by PogArtTi
"Chevrolet Camaro z28" 1973
Pyrography on Poplar wood A3 size.

I'm pleased to share finished wood burned artwork.
It was a great challenge for me to do a car...
I'm not got used to it, as my main interest is animals and people.

This is a scrap car, which is meant to be refurbished by my friend.
The whole front is missing, rusty marks around the body, dents and scratches...
Therefore I tried to achieve the "washed jeans look" while introducing the blue-ish colour.
The laud bright yellow stripes are meant to suggest the sporty character 👍
I placed the hammer and the screwdriver at the side of the car too...
The idea is the same - to suggest the car's condition...

Thank you for following updates.

Re: Chevrolet Camaro z28 - pyrography

Posted: Sun May 03, 2020 10:43 pm
by Laurene
I don't know much about cars but I like this piece very much. I definitely get the feeling of age and use but I still get the feeling of what this car must have been once long ago. I like the way you forced the perspective too. It gives the car a feeling of power by emphasizing the powerful motor.

Re: Chevrolet Camaro z28 - pyrography

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 8:04 am
by PogArtTi
I'm very appreciated my effort does counts for you...
I feel ashamed regarding this piece, because it took me ages to finish.
Just when I was beginning to practice pyrography I suddenly got into digital!!!
The digital won the fight, and I left pyrography behind 🙁
This was the time I did promise this car get done, but all I had in my mind was digital practice, so progress on the car was actually forced 🙁
It's not any good, is it?

The pyrography I love as well, but starting with two interesting hobbies at one go has ended like this.

Regarding the artwork...
He has gave me couple of photos to choose from, and I did like this perspective very much as you do.
It's simply interesting view of the car, thank you.
The challenge was great, because at one point I wanted to do it nice looking, but at the same time it is dirty, rusty scrap looking car, just left over by my car mechanic's on his scrap yard...
How to do two opposite things at once?
This is the chellenge I was facing Laurene.

Yes, the laud yellow sport stripes are there for one purpose, to show its power and character, the rest is meant to look odd, and dirty showing it's poor present condition, so the yellow stripes showing the promise - what this car may will look when repaired, and what it really was in past 👍

The good thing is - my friend mechanic does like it!
His wife does likes it too 😁
He has asked me to do Landrover now 😁
Lol, I promised myself this is the last car in my life 🤣🤣🤣
On the other hand it does pays my car repairs, lol 😂
We've got Polish saying for this kind of situation ;
- Zlo konieczne 😁
I don't know how to translate it to let you understand the sentence 🤔
- Zlo = evil
- konieczne = necessery
So to describe the saying it's like you'd have to commit to evil (crime?) because you have to .., then in your mind you keep that "benefit"/"profit" that you will get by doing so 😁
It's like you don't want to do it, but you have to 😁👍

Thank you 🙂